The Facultad de Lenguas at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico, in collaboration with the Bicultural-Bilingual Studies Department at The University of Texas in San Antonio (UTSA) humbly invite all authors whose presentation proposals were accepted and who plan to present at TEXLER 2019 to submit their original articles to be considered for publication in a special issue of the Lenguas en Contexto journal published by Facultad de Lenguas BUAP. While all proposals of quality are welcome, especially encouraged are those that specifically address this special issue’s theme: “21stCentury Literacies: Critical Approaches for Social Transformation,” taking into consideration an in-depth conceptualization of this topic and its implications in education, language, research, as well as the practical implementations in the classroom.
Lenguas en Contexto is an indexed publication in the Latindex System, and all articles go through a double blind-peer review for their evaluation and publication.
1. The articles must be unpublished and should not be under evaluation at the same time in other journals. All contributions must correspond to accepted proposals to be presented in TEXLER 2019.
2. Contributions must be sent to: [email protected]
3. The articles must correspond with the name of the proposal accepted.
4. All articles must include the names of the authors (maximum three), as well as the institution to which they belong and their respective e-mails after the title.
5. The article must be preceded by an abstract of between 150 and 200 words in two languages: the language in which the article is written and another language (Spanish, English or French). The summaries must be followed by 5 or 6 key words.
6. The length of the articles must be from 10 to 15 pages –in a single-space Word document, Times New Roman font size 12. The file should be titled using the name of the main author and the date of submission (e.g., J_Morales_Jun30_2019).
7. For citations and references both in the text and at the end of the work, the standards established by the APA (American Psychological Association) must be used. For more guidance, consult the following link:
8. For textual citations longer than three lines, Times New Roman 11 must be used, and they must be separated from the text with an empty line before and after the citation. A two-centimeter left indentation must be kept for the citation. Words in other languages than that of the article should be italicized.
9. Charts, figures, and graphs must be submitted in a different Word document in the order they must appear in the article. In the body of the article, the title of the chart, figure or graph should indicate where it must be included in case of publication.
10. All contributions must be accompanied by a biodata of the author(s), including institutional affiliation, address and personal and/or institutional email.
11. It is suggested to avoid footnotes. If necessary, specific notes at the end of the article, properly numbered should be included.
12. All pages of the article should be properly numbered.
13. All articles will be reviewed in the first instance by the Editorial Committee of this special issue ofLenguas en Contextoto determine suitability for the journal. This first review will be made in order to make recommendations to the authors for improving the quality of the article. If approved, the article is sent for a double-blinded review process to evaluate if the article is publishable without changes, with minor changes, major changes or not publishable.
Original research article:
In this type of article, the author(s) report original findings of an investigation, using qualitative or quantitative data (or both). This article is suitable for those presenting a “research-based presentation” or a “poster presentation” if they have already collected data (for more information, see “Guidelines for Proposal Submission” at This format is suitable for many types of studies, including basic qualitative research, case studies, action research, ethnographic research, grounded theory research, survey research, correlational research, and experimental research. This article must contain a/an: 1) Abstract, summarizing the article; 2) Introduction, explaining the background of the study and problem statement; 3) Theoretical Framework and Literature Review, defining the main concepts based on previous theory and summarizing previous studies on the same topic; 4) Methodology, describing the type of research, research questions, sample procedures, setting, participants, methods of data collection, and methods of data analysis; 5) Discussion, explaining findings and providing an analytical discussion of findings; 6) Conclusion, outlining final thoughts or reflections, pedagogical suggestions, limitations and recommendations for further research.
Critical/Reflection Paper:
This paper should provide an analysis of a theme of interest related to the topic of the TexLER 2019 conference. It should critically address theoretical constructs that problematize a particular social issue in the areas of education, culture, and/or language. Research-based or Poster TexLER presenters who include and/or emphasize the examination of concepts, theories, studies or events make a great fit for this type of paper. The structure of the article should have the following sections:1) Abstract, summarizing the article; 2) Introduction, explaining the socio-cultural context and/or problem statement; 3) Theoretical Framework and Literature Review, defining the main concepts based on previous theory and summarizing previous work on the same topic; 4) Discussion, providing an original, critical analysis of the issue in question 6) Conclusion, outlining final thoughts or reflections, recommendations, and possibilities for change (e.g., further research, policy making, etc.). The order of these sections can be modified, depending on the author(s)’s preferences/needs.
Pedagogical intervention paper:
This paper is an opportunity for educators to share pedagogical methodologies that address diverse issues of the language classroom (e.g., translanguaging as a pedagogical practice, literature lesson plans, literacy practices, technology teaching techniques, study programs, etc.). This must be comprised of a/an 1) Abstract, summarizing the manuscript; 2) Introduction, presenting the issue that the pedagogical practice aims to address and a rationale for using it; 3) Brief Literature Review (e.g., a summary of how previous works have utilized “translanguaging pedagogy” and their results) and/or Theoretical Framework (e.g., conceptualizing what “translanguaging pedagogy” means); 4) Implementation, providing a detailed explanation of the pedagogical methodology; 5) Discussion, explaining possible results/impact on students’ academic performance, behavior, social lives, and/or family relations (e.g., based on implementation experience) and explaining suggestions, and adaptations; and 6) Conclusion, outlining final thoughts or reflections (i.e., how the intervention is addressing the issue described in the introduction), pedagogical suggestions, limitations, and recommendations for further research or exploration.The field of language education is in great need of this type of papers in order to promote research-based and empirically-tested practices that improve students’ academic conditions and support practitioners’ work, creating a community of practice. We encourage all TexLER practice-based and workshop presenters to submit their proposals.